
Faculty Name

James Melton III, Ph.D.


Senior Lecturer



Office Location

Tapley Hall, Room 405


B.S. The University of Alabama
Ph.D. The University of Alabama

Courses Taught

  • Population Biology Bio 110
  • Molecular Biology and Genomics Bio 125
  • Sophomore/Senior Seminar Bio 285/485
  • Phage Discovery Bio 350
  • Phage Genomics Bio 351
  • Cellular and Molecular Biology Bio 471

Research Interests

My recent research interests have been focused on the diversity and genomics of phages, which are viruses that infect and replicate inside bacteria. Phages have been a hot topic due to their potential in combating antibiotic resistance. This research is being performed by students through Phage Discovery and Genomics (Bio 350/351), a two-semester course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE). This program is based on a model developed by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) in collaboration with over 150 academic institutions.

In the past, I have researched the diversity, genomics, and phylogenetics of green algae and Amoebozoa. My dissertation focused on the green algal genus Ulva, a taxonomically troublesome group that is known for forming algal blooms called green tides.


  • · Melton JT, Lopez-Bautista JM (2020) Diversity of the macroalgal genus Ulva L., 1753 (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta) from the east and gulf coast of the United States based on molecular data. Journal of Phycology doi:10.1111/jpy.13120

  • Ayalew M, Hylton D, Sistrunk J, Melton J, Johnson K, Voit E (2020) Integration of biology, mathematics and computing in the classroom through the creation and repeated use of transdisciplinary modules. PRIMUS 2–31.

  • Melton JT, Wood F, Branch J, Singla M, Tekle YI (2019) Phylogenomics of Thecamoebida (Discosea, Amoebozoa) with the description of Stratorugosa tubuloviscum gen. nov. sp. nov., a freshwater amoeba with a perinuclear MTOC. Protist 170: 8–20.

  • Melton JT, Wood FC, Singla M, Tekle YI (2019) Three New Freshwater Cochliopodium Species (Himatismenida, Amoebozoa) from the Southeastern United States. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology doi:10.1111/jeu.12764

  • Melton JT, Leliaert F, Tronholm A, Lopez-Bautista JM (2015) The complete chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes of the green macroalga Ulva sp. UNA00071828 (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta). PLOS ONE doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121020