
Faculty Name

Marilyn Davis, Ph.D.


Associate Professor


Political Science



Office Location

Giles Hall 216


Ph.D., M.A., Atlanta University
B.A., Hampton Institute


Dr. Marilyn A. Davis has been a member of the Spelman College faculty since August 1981. She is a tenured Associate Professor of Political Science and served as department chair for three years. She is also a member of the American Political Science Association.

Dr. Davis earned a bachelor of arts degree in political science from Hampton Institute, graduating summa cum laude. She earned a master of arts degree and a doctor of philosophy degree in political science from Atlanta University. Her research interest is primarily in the area of electoral behavior.

Currently, Dr. Davis is exploring the role that African American women play in the electoral politics of Georgia's congressional and state legislative districts. A related research focus concerns mainstream media images of African American women in the political arena. Her most recent scholarship has been published by HarperCollins and Worth Publishers.