
Faculty Name

Nazia Mojib, Ph.D.





Office Location

Albro-Falconer-Manley Science Center 269


Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham
M.Sc., B.Sc. University of Calcutta



Courses Taught

BIO110 Population Biology
BIO125 Molecular Biology and Genomics
BIO320 Molecular Genomics and Proteomics

Research Interests

With rapidly expanding sources of next generation sequencing data along with the access and availability of new bioinformatics tools, methods and approaches, I want to employ a data mining approach to identify and study the evolution of biomolecules (especially receptors) in various signaling pathways and communication networks, in a range of biological systems, from prokaryotes, to unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes.


Nazia Mojib and Julia Kubanek (2020) Comparative transcriptomics supports the presence of G protein‐coupled receptor‐based signaling in unicellular marine eukaryotes. Limnology and Oceanography. 10.1002/lno.11345.

Nazia Mojib, Jin Xu, Zinka Bartolek, Barry Imhoff, Nael McCarty, Chong Shin and Julia Kubanek (2017) Zebrafish aversive taste co-receptor is expressed in both chemo- and mechanosensory cells and plays a role in lateral line development. Scientific Reports. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14042-3.

Nazia Mojib, Manjula Thimma, Mande Kumaran, Rachid Sougrat and Xabier Irigoien (2017) Comparative metatranscriptomics reveals decline of a neustonic planktonic population. Limnology and Oceanography. 62:299-310, doi:10.1002/lno.10395.

Nazia Mojib, M Amad, M Thimma, N Aldanondo, M Kumaran and Xabier Irigoien (2014) Carotenoid metabolic profiling and transcriptome genome mining reveal functional equivalence among blue-pigmented copepods and appendicularia. Molecular Ecology. 23: 2740–2756, doi: 10.1111/mec.12781.