
Faculty Name

Robert Hamilton


Senior Instructor


Art & Visual Culture



Office Location

Giles Hall 416


B.F.A ., Atlanta College of Art


Robert Hamilton, for the last 25 years as an arts lab manager at Spelman College, has focused his research efforts in the areas of technology in the arts. He has also been part of cross-disciplinary activities outside the Art Department involving multiple departments. Over the past several years, he has collaborated on projects with the following departments: environmental studies, anthropology, psychology, sociology, Asian studies and the Teaching Research and Resource Center (TRRC).

Hamilton also actively contributed to discussions leading to the establishment of the new Food Studies Minor, as well as the Innovation Lab at Spelman. Based on many positive experiences working with Spelman colleagues, Hamilton has learned how important it is to cultivate relationships across disciplines and share information for common goals.

"Spelman students have a broad range of interests and I try to tap into those interests that will make courses more meaningful for them. I want to encourage students to be curious and to ask broad questions that challenge themselves, me and other students in the class. I find the best way to bring out the most from our students when teaching them a new subject is to start with their interests."

Research Interests

Arts technology
Food Studies
Environmental Science